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Walking on snow & ice

Snow and ice can hang around all year! Practice these skills to stay on your feet. Glaciers! Require specific and rescue skills beyond these.

Consider in your route planning…


Northern hemisphere equals north aspects
Southern hemisphere equals south aspects 


Steep slopes are higher fall hazards, use special equipment and techniques
30-45° prime avalanche terrain – caution!


Earlier in the day gives more stability with crusts 
Later has softer snow harder to walk + avalanche and rockfall hazards with warming 


Think of snowpack depth and development
Timing more critical in spring and summer


Glissading: Slide down the soft snow on your bum or feet. Assess hazards in run out first!
Plunge step: Ice axe ready, knees unlocked, plunge weight down on your knees
Practice self-arrest!


Hold your axe ready to self-arrest at any time
Rotate who is kicking steps
Single pole okay, but ditch in the steeps
High top stiff boots protect ankles – specialised souls for crampon compatibility if needed
Hard crust? Cut steps out
Bend at the knee to kick steps with less effort

**Not everyone has a helmet or ice axe but worthwhile getting into advanced alpine terrain**