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Level up with a snowcraft course

A snowcraft course will help you stay safe and open up new terrain for exploration. Photo: Hazel Phillips

Winter is an opportunity to challenge yourself and upskill.

Okay, so your favourite terrain is now blanketed in a thick layer of snow. You can either stay home, or you can develop some new skills. 

I like to think of winter as an opportunity to challenge myself, and try to commit to one course each year. For trampers who are eyeing up the snow, I highly recommend a basic snowcraft course. You’ll learn how to use an ice axe and crampons safely, move up and down slopes, size up avalanche terrain and keep yourself safe, and construct a snow shelter in case of emergency. And you’ll meet some awesome new alpine buddies to go adventuring with. Courses run by private companies and tramping and alpine clubs are available in many places. 

Doing a snowcraft course means you keep up the momentum throughout the year and acquire some skills, and it will open up new possibilities and terrain. They say the mind, once expanded by a new idea, never regains its original dimension; similarly the tramper, once armed with ice axe and crampons, begins to see snow as a delight rather than a hindrance. 

Once you’ve done basic snowcraft, you can look at an intermediate alpine skills course, avalanche awareness, high alpine skills or glacier ski touring.

And yes: it’s scary. But challenges always are. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.